It seems so simple: to go on a date with a girl. But when approaching the most appropriate time for a date, it often becomes uncomfortable.

How do you ask the ladies from the best Ukrainian dating websites out elegantly, with dignity, and one hundred percent success? That’s where our practical tips come in handy: from phrase choice and etiquette to locations for a romantic encounter.

How not to get in trouble

Some young people treat a conversation with a girl about a date as a walk through a minefield. Any word or gesture may not please the chosen one, and she will do the worst – refuse to meet.

Of course, there is nothing terrible about this. Your world will not collapse. 

However, the ability to charm any lady is a great quality that will come in handy even in neutral relationships with women. So think of the moment of the invitation as an exciting game in which participants also bring enormous pleasure. And the result is a nice bonus.

The Rules of the Game:

  • Do not put sentences in the form of a question (“Can I invite you on a date?”) and do not use constructions (“I want to invite,” “I want to ask you,” etc.) The girl does not need to ask – invite. And she will make the next move.
  • Don’t use the wording “date.” It can put pressure and scare away. Yes, and “meeting” sounds much better, while intuitively, it is clear that it will be romantic.
  • The invitation needs to be specific. And that means you already plan the place and time. So you will demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions.
  • Politeness and courtesy are the main qualities of the date. Of course, rudeness combined with brutality can also go in hand, but the probability of approval in the first case is still higher.
  • Do not rush things. If you get an evasive response, that’s no reason to give up. Try to wait it out and offer again. Not all girls are “dynamos,” she might be busy.

Extra points

It is possible to interest the lady of the heart with the help of simple psychological tricks:

Surprise/intrigue. Something with a little mystery: “I know a place you’re sure to like!” “I think I know something I can surprise you with” “Remember when you said… I know a thing or two about it, and I can tell you about it over coffee.” The more original and detailed the intrigue, the more likely your success.

Compliments. Not banal phrases about a beautiful dress or hairstyle, but your positive observations about the object of attention: “You draw cool, let’s go to the museum of modern art? I am a total ignoramus, but I want to figure it out.

Quest. Get creative with your date invitation: write some secret messages to the girl you like. These can be compliments or unusual details that you are in favor of. Show your imagination and use Her Majesty Intrigue. And in the last note, indicate the place and time for the date. But to find the message, the girl will have to perform specific actions.

Flashmob. Encourage your friends and organize a small public performance, in the center of which will be the object of your adoration. For example, you can sing a song of your composition or dance with a support group. Let it be until the end, she has no idea that the surprise is intended for her.

Where to ask a girl on a date?

Cafe / restaurant. The most win-win variant for a first date. A table for two is an optimal distance that simultaneously brings you closer and does not cause discomfort to the girl. At the same time, you will allow your chosen one to shine her beauty and to go out in the light.

Movies. Also a classic, suitable if you know each other very little, and there is a chance that the dialogue may go the wrong way. Watching a good movie will create positive emotions that you will want to discuss somewhere more private.

An amusement park. This way, it is easy to cause a girl’s genuine enthusiasm for the meeting. Absolutely everyone has a child who loves cotton candy and swings.

How to behave on a date?

Generations, views, and attitudes change, but the desire to see a confident, strong, intelligent man remains. However, it is essential not to confuse confidence with persistence. Otherwise, it may cause the lady of the heart doubts your intentions.

On a first date, awkwardness and shyness are inevitable, so completely take the initiative into your own hands this evening.

Any girl will be pleased if they show interest in her as a person. Take an interest in her inner world and look for similarities between you. This approach will help you determine whether you are the heroes of the same novel or whether the relationship is incapable of growing into something more.


A date is always a responsible and exciting moment for everyone. So it is always vital to tune in and gather your thoughts to organize everything correctly and not spoil it. The desire to be liked is a natural behavior when someone cares, but it should not be pretentious and intrusive. We hope that you will find our tips helpful and that the first romantic meeting will grow into an intense love after some time.